Contractor Tips Blog


Does Your Garage Door Lintel Need Replacement?

Posted in Masonry
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The structure supporting the brick or stone around your garage door is called the lintel, a steel frame that can become corroded over the years. This can be a dangerous situation, compromising the structure of the frame that holds your heavy garage door in place. Older garages can be susceptible to lintel damage and may need this structure replaced to prevent collapse.

Signs that your garage door lintel may need replacement can include:

  • Cracks between bricks above or around your garage door
  • A sagging top beam above your garage door
  • Cracks or gaps in the seams around the garage door frame

The garage door lintel is usually a steel beam that goes across the top of the door. The most common place for corrosion or weakness is in the middle of the door, where the least amount of support is located. Not only does the beam need replacement, but the bricks or stone and the material between the lintel and exterior surface will need to be redone.

Lintel damage occurs form water and weather deterioration over the years. Rust and corrosion can occur, leaving your garage door susceptible to weakness. At the first signs of any underlying issues, you should call a masonry expert to examine your garage and determine whether a lintel replacement is needed.

Replacing the lintel on your garage door is a complicated process that should be left to the professionals. Your garage door can weigh several hundred pounds and will need removal before the lintel can be accessed and replaced. Once the interior structure is fixed, you will need new brick or stone to frame in your garage, requiring the expertise of an experienced masonry service. Find a local masonry company that offers lintel and masonry work to restore your old garage to last many more decades.

Posted on behalf of:
Anglin’s Foundation & Masonry Repairs
1027 Oregon Trail
Marietta, GA 30008
(770) 422-2924

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