Contractor Tips Blog


Dangers of Lintel Damage Above Garage Doors

Posted in Masonry
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Behind the exterior of a brick garage lies the frame work that holds the masonry and structure in place. One of these crucial elements is the lintel, the steel support that spans across the top of the garage door. This steel can become rusted and begin to sag and bend due to water penetration under the bricks. This damage to lintels can put the structural integrity of the garage, especially the doors, in danger, causing a hazardous condition.

Once there is lintel damage, the garage door openings can begin to shift. In many cases, the garage doors will begin to lean or sag, causing dysfunction when they open and close. The danger is that the change in the underlying structure could cause the doors to fall or drop unexpectedly, or the entire opening could crumble. This could cause damage to vehicles, or worse, cause a severe injury to someone walking through the garage opening when it fails.

Although lintel repair is usually needed in older brick garages, it is not always age that causes the problem. Poor flashing and other construction issues when assembling the garage can lead to premature lintel failure. The first signs of issues with lintels in garages is usually cracks or shifting of the bricks above the garage doors or windows.

At the first sign of lintel damage on your brick garage, call a masonry specialist to inspect your garage door. Although lintel repair does require weeks to be completed correctly, if performed by a masonry specialist, it can last a lifetime. Most lintels need to be repaired due to lack of insulation on the steel or other issues that can be eliminated permanently with a professional masonry repair.

Posted on behalf of:
Anglin’s Foundation & Masonry Repairs
Marietta, GA
(770) 422-2924

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