Contractor Tips Blog


Important Precautions to Combat Mosquitoes

Posted in Insect Control

It’s important for homeowners to eliminate and prevent mosquitoes from being around their property. While summer is a season plagued by mosquitoes, warmer climates such as those found in Georgia can allow mosquitoes to cause problems for you during other seasons as well. However, by taking preventative steps to eliminate mosquitoes from breeding around your property, you’ll spare you and your family from mosquito bites.

Mosquito bites are not just itchy and painful; they are also well known for spreading diseases to humans. Last year was perhaps one of the deadliest years ever in the United States for the West Nile virus – a mosquito-borne arbovirus.  As a result, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) strongly recommended that people take precautions to avoid becoming infected with the virus and to prevent another outbreak of the West Nile virus.

Here are a few precautionary measures and tips that you can take to combat mosquitoes:

#1 Get rid of any places with standing water that is on your property or around your home. This includes any area or object that collects water, such as:

  • Flowerpots
  • Baby pools
  • Birdbaths
  • Grill covers

Mosquitoes don’t need much water to breed. About one-half (½) of an inch of water is the perfect breeding ground for them.

#2 Make sure that your doors and windows all have screens. It’s important to fix even the most minor holes and tears in any of your home’s screens.

#3 Try to avoid being active outdoors between dusk (sunset) and dawn (sunrise). This is the time mosquitoes are extremely active. 

#4 Wear long-sleeve shirts, long pants, and long socks if you’re going to be outside between sunset and sunrise. Remember, this is the period of peak mosquito activity. Furthermore, avoid wearing:

  • Open-toe shoes
  • Clothing with floral prints
  • Dark-colored  clothing
  • Loose clothing and garments
  • Colognes, perfumes, and fragrances with sweet-smells

Homeowners with mosquito concerns are encouraged to contact a local pest-control company for further assistance and alternatives to eliminate mosquitoes.

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