Badge Requirements
Find Local Contractors is looking for top rated local contractors based on existing client reviews. In order for Find Local Contractors to recognize your company as a top rated company you will need to meet the minimum requirements.
The minimum requirement to earn the Find Local Contractors “Top Customers Rated” badge is a minimum of 15 Google Business reviews with a 4.6 average rating or higher. In addition to Google Business reviews you must have at least 30 additional reviews with at least a 4.6 average in another directory/websites such as Facebook, Yelp, Kudzu, Healthgrades etc…
If you would like to be considered for the Find Local Contractors “Top Rated” badge, please feel free to submit the contact form on the Find Local Contractors website. We will review your client reviews and let you know if you qualify for the Find Local Contractors “Top Rated” badge. Find Local Contractors reserves the right to request removal of our “Top Rated” badge if your review ranking drops below our minimum requirements.