Contractor Tips Blog


Benefits of Owning a Smartphone

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Smartphones were once only for busy professionals and tech-savvy consumers. The old Blackberries were for the mobile professional that needed to stay in touch on the go, but few people used them for personal communication. The iPhone changed that concept, and now most people who have a cell phone own a smartphone. Per the Pew Research Center, 77% of cell phone owners have a smartphone as of 2017 and that number is expected to grow. If you are one of the few cell phone owners without a smartphone, here are some benefits to upgrading.

  • GPS. Get directions wherever you are with a GPS app on your phone. It doesn’t matter what vehicle you are in, you have GPS right in your phone to get directions.
  • Email on the go. Check your email and stay in touch when you are on vacation or just at the store. Your email account can easily be added to your smartphone, even by those not tech-savvy.
  • Camera. One of the most popular features on quality smartphones is a clear, digital camera. While non-smartphones have cameras, they do not have the quality that is available on most smartphones. Plus, you can share pictures through text, email and social media, right from your phone.

If you are in that 23% of cell phone owners that have not upgraded to a smartphone, maybe it is time to make the switch. There are many smartphone repair places that can help you maintain your new phone if it gets a cracked screen or just needs a new battery. Once you realize the benefits, you will enjoy the amazing features and convenience that a smartphone can provide.

Posted on behalf of Cellairis

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