Contractor Tips Blog


What You Need to Know About Golf Cart Battery Maintenance

Posted in Golf Carts
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Your electric golf cart may not need fuel but it does rely on its batteries for energy, making them the most important element in golf cart maintenance. A quality golf cart battery can last for years if it is maintained properly. Since these batteries are expensive to replace, usually running several hundred dollars or more for two, you will want to make sure you know how to care for your batteries to get the most for your money.

Golf cart batteries require more maintenance than other vehicle batteries due to the large strain on them. They are the only source of energy for your golf cart and are depleted as they are used, similar to a cell phone battery. While a gas-powered vehicle charges up their battery with an alternator, golf carts drain their batteries until they die or are recharged, just like your cell phone, only much larger. But performing regular maintenance can help extend the life of these heavy-duty batteries.

Golf cart batteries require cleaning, watering, and charging. Here are the basics:

  •  After each use, your batteries should be charged fully. Try to always allow the battery to completely charge. Undercharging before using again can shorten the life of the battery.
  • Clean the batteries with a cloth at least once a month using a solution of ¼ cup of baking soda mixed in a gallon and a half of warm water. Wipe down, allow to sit on the battery for about five minutes, then rinse with pure water and towel dry. Make sure to wear gloves when cleaning.
  • After the monthly cleaning, check the water level. The battery should be fully charged before adding water – use only distilled water and keep at full level.

Make sure to check with your golf cart dealer for more maintenance tips for your batteries and golf cart, following the manufacturer and dealer recommendations.

Posted on behalf of:
Action Specialty Carts
1891 McFarland Pkwy
Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 888-0892

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